
I no longer maintain installers here. For instructions on how to get a text editor and go installed see the Machine Setup guide.

The Book

An Introduction to Programming in Go.
Copyright © 2012 by Caleb Doxsey
ISBN: 978-1478355823

This book is no longer available for purchase, but it is still available for free online below or in PDF form.

An updated version is available from O'Reilly.

Questions, comments, corrections or concerns can be sent to Caleb Doxsey.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
    1. Files and Folders
    2. The Terminal
    3. Text Editors
    4. Go Tools
  2. Your First Program
    1. How to Read a Go Program
  3. Types
    1. Numbers
    2. Strings
    3. Booleans
  4. Variables
    1. How to Name a Variable
    2. Scope
    3. Constants
    4. Defining Multiple Variables
    5. An Example Program
  5. Control Structures
    1. For
    2. If
    3. Switch
  6. Arrays, Slices and Maps
    1. Arrays
    2. Slices
    3. Maps
  7. Functions
    1. Your Second Function
    2. Returning Multiple Values
    3. Variadic Functions
    4. Closure
    5. Recursion
    6. Defer, Panic & Recover
  8. Pointers
    1. The * and & operators
    2. new
  9. Structs and Interfaces
    1. Structs
    2. Methods
    3. Interfaces
  10. Concurrency
    1. Goroutines
    2. Channels
  11. Packages
    1. Creating Packages
    2. Documentation
  12. Testing
    1. The Core Packages
      1. Strings
      2. Input / Output
      3. Files & Folders
      4. Errors
      5. Containers & Sort
      6. Hashes & Cryptography
      7. Servers
      8. Parsing Command Line Arguments
      9. Synchronization Primitives
    2. Next Steps
      1. Study the Masters
      2. Make Something
      3. Team Up